Wellness Experts & Coaches! Discover Your Path to Freedom and Fulfillment


Attract High-Paying Dream Clients Weekly and Transform Lives with Your Wisdom

Attract High-Paying Dream Clients Weekly and Transform Lives with Your Wisdom


With the SSBA formula, you will unlock a life of fulfilment and freedom through your business without feeling overwhelmed and burned out

With the SSBA formula, you know how to launch and grow your

coaching business without feeling overworked, overwhelmed and burned out

Please confirm the following before we schedule the call.

  • I have watched the entire video and resonate with it.
  • Yes, I'm a coach, expert, consultant, mentor, or I'm striving to be one!
  • Yes, I’m happy to invest in my success and in my future.
  • I'm Ready To Supercharge My Business


You feel destined for something greater and want to impact more people's lives positively. Many coaches earn over $20,000 monthly with their programs, living their dreams and helping hundreds of people. You want to create a thriving online coaching/educational business but... YOU

  • Feel like starting an online business can be confusing.
  • Are unsure about the best way to do things: You're not sure which methods or strategies are the best to use for your coaching business.
  • Feel overwhelmed by technology: All the techie stuff can be really confusing and make you feel like it's too much to handle.

It doesn't have to be that way...

What if I told you that:

  • With the proper guidance and support, you can create a thriving and profitable coaching business that generates over $10,000 per month.
  • It is possible to establish a lifestyle coaching business that allows you to attract clients in an automated way while enjoying the freedom to travel and work from breathtaking locations around the world.
  • And by implementing the right systems and methods, you can create stability and abundance in your life (once and for all)
  • You can do all of this while sharing your wisdom and transforming your clients' lives!


πŸš€ 1. Stability + increasing revenue

Or Instability & Income rollercoaster Every Month

You will have all the knowledge, skills, and assets to build a business that gives you a sense of security and stability. You will know when money is coming in and where it’s coming from, so you’re never scrambling for a sale. Together, we will create a coaching business that stands the test of time with long-term growth, predictability, and sustainability.

πŸ’Έ 2. Create a life of abundance, confidence & fulfillment

Or Instability & Income rollercoaster Every Month

You are a leader and our unique gifts have the power to transform lives. You are here to make a positive impact. And it's not just about creating a successful coaching business; you also dream of making a difference in people's lives and living a life filled with freedom and possibilities. Now is the time to turn those dreams into reality.

πŸ’‘ 3. Create Your Ideal Schedule and Work on Your Own Terms

Or let your boss decide your schedule for you

Imagine having a spacious and exciting schedule, unlike the rigid 9-5 workdays you never wanted. Imagine having potential clients reaching out to find out how they can work with you instead of you going after them.

''You are already an exceptional teacher! Now it's time to anchor your skills into a repeatable system that will lead to SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS

Are you ready for a new financial reality?

Here is what we will discover during this session:

  • By the end of this call, you will clearly understand the next steps you can take for your online health/fitness coaching business to start generating consistent and reliable income.
  • In addition, I will reveal to you the Proven Method, which can help you become a highly respected online coach and have a steady stream of engaged clients looking to work with you, daily.

Join the Academy of Sovereign

& Successful Coaches.

Join the Academy of Sovereign & Successful Coaches.

+$500,000 generated for our clients with the SSBA Method

54 health & wellness professionals have trusted us

+$500,000 generated for our clients with the SSBA Method 54 health & sports professionals have trusted us


I will hold your hands every step of the way and provide you with everything you need to make your coaching business successful

Your professional website

A professional website that reflects the quality of your work, highlights your experience and establishes yourself as an authority in your niche.

This will allow you to:

  • To increase your visibility
  • Turn your website visitors into buyers
  • To offer the online version of your coaching sessions
  • Communicate your website to those around you so that it circulates from phone to phone
  • To have a professional image online
  • Boost your coaching business
  • Obtain highly qualified leads
  • Stand out from the competition
  • To share your knowledge and your passion through articles to get referenced
  • Get ahead of 95% of wellness with our funnel

Your own private member's area

The private member area is where your clients will enter their usernames and passwords to access the premium personal content of your coaching offer. You can support your customers in an automated and 100% online way, with a good customer experience.

This will allow you to:

  • To fully automate your online coaching offer so you have more time to do what you love.
  • To coach 10 or 100 clients at the same time without increasing your workload.
  • Bring maximum value to your customers
  • To be able to work from anywhere in the world.
  • To get paid while traveling
  • To have cash flow every day, every week and every month of the year, without exception.
  • To create different modules on different themes (habits, yoga, meditation, mental preparation, morphotype, etc.) to increase the perceived value of your program and bring more results to the lives of your clients in all areas of life.

Your own sales funnel:

What is a sales funnel?

It is a succession of steps that lead a website visitor to purchase in an automated way.

The sales funnel makes it possible to identify and visualize the customer journey and to guide them to the purchase.

It's the most effective new way to get customers

This will allow you to:

  • Turn visitors into buyers using sales funnel methods
  • Collect as many registrations as possible quickly
  • Sell ​​on auto-pilot 24 hours a day
  • Run your business without taking care of it every day
  • Have automated systems to attract new customers every day

Your own secure payment page

Why have a secure online payment page?

To run your business 24/7, to offer subscription payments, not worry about late payments, and be up to date with all your invoices listed in a single software.

This will allow you to:

  • Offer Paypal payments to your customers
  • Offer credit card payments
  • Do not waste time with late payments
  • Offer subscription payments
  • Make "Upsell", ie sell another program right after the first purchase.
  • Run your business every day of the year and make sales at any time
  • Boost your prospects' trust with a secure payment page
  • Have a thank you page that describes to the new customer what to do click by click, in a 100% personalized way
  • Being able to work anywhere in the world, receive payments from your clients and coach them remotely
  • Simplify invoicing
  • Manage your coaching business in 1 single place


''In a few months I was able to finalize the implementation of my online training and live my dream lifestyle.'' - Lilian Durey

''After years of coaching and workshops all over France without being able to create a serene and stable lifestyle. The support of SSBA allowed me to finalize my vision of creating a training for yoga teachers and coaches. In a few months I was able to improve my speech to transmit my wisdom even better and inspire others to live their dream life by aligning their spiritual aspirations with their dream lifestyle.

''In a few months I was able to finalize the implementation of my online training and live my dream lifestyle. -

I have greatly increased the power of my programs by accompanying the transformation in people's lives.

I have also found financial serenity and therefore the balance that allows me to radiate even more "good vibes".''

Success doesn’t happen by accident. All you have to do is to make a choice…